Sexual Violence in History: A Bibliography

compiled by Stefan Blaschke


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Start: Topical Index: Representations: Literary Texts: 21st Century:

Representations: Literary Texts:

G e n e r a l   I n f o r m a t i o n

»« -- More information: Wikipedia

The Round House

[Info] Jones-Matrona, Kasey. »From #MMIW to #NotInvisible: Indigenous Women in the #MeToo Era.« #MeToo and Literary Studies: Reading, Writing, and Teaching about Sexual Violence and Rape Culture. New York 2021: 83-97.

[Info] Pipes, Candice. »Recruiting Warriors: Using Literature in College Classrooms to Fight and Win "The Longest War".« #MeToo and Literary Studies: Reading, Writing, and Teaching about Sexual Violence and Rape Culture. New York 2021: 389-400.

Cases: Fictional Offenders: Linden Lark; Fictional Victims: Geraldine Coutts

[Info] Carden, Mary P. »“The Unkillable Mother”: Sovereignty and Survivance in Louise Erdrich's The Round HouseStudies in American Indian Literatures 30 (2018): 94-116.

[Info] Kim, Hyung-hee. »Violence and Justice in Louise Erdrich's The Plague of Doves and The Round House.« ?????? 26 (2019): 225-244.

[Info] Kurup, Seema. »From Revenge to Restorative Justice in Louise Erdrich’s The Plague of Doves, The Round House, and LaRoseAmerican Revenge Narratives: A Collection of Critical Essays. Edited by Kyle Wiggins. Cham 2018: 99-117.

[Info] Lee, Toni M. Sexual Violence Against the Outsiders of Society in The Round House, Bitter in the Mouth, and The Color Purple. M.A. Thesis, East Carolina University, 2020.

[Info] Rezni?áková, Lýdia. “Maze of Injustice”: Interracial Rape in Louise Erdrich’s The Round House. Master Thesis, Masarykovy univerzity, 2016.